What ports have to be opened for proper functioning of IASO Backup 2010 and Management Console?

The IASO Backup 2010 manager on the client side connects to a IASO Storage server running an FTP over SSL server.

BackupManager 2010 (Cient side):

There are two firewall rules to be made on the client side for normal backup/restore operation:

  1. port 443 TCP outbound (control port)

  2. the passive port range of the IASO Storage server you're connecting to (your BSP can tell you the range). E.g. port 5000-6000.

If you use the BackupManager to control external BackupFP processess, you'll need a connection over port 5314 (TCP) to the external process. Outbound from the GUI, inbound from the process.

If you use the Management Console, you'll need a connection over port 5325 (TCP, outbound) to the ManagementEngine.

IASO Storage Server (Server side):

There are also two firewall rules to be made on the server side for normal backup/restore operation:

  1. port 443 TCP inbound & outbound (control port)

  2. the passive port range of the IASO Storage server, inbound and outbound. E.g. port 5000-6000.

When users are connecting with the Management Console to the Management Engine, make sure that port 5325 is opened to the machine where the Management Engine is running. This can be the same machine as the IASO Storage server.